The bicycle conference offers a variety of formats such as keynote speeches, workshops, Pecha Kucha and themed sessions. The supporting program enables networking and the exchange of experiences. Everything is focused on everyday cycling under the motto "Cycling for everyone".

Program 16.04.

09:00 - 10:00 | Check In

10:00 - 10:15 | Opening

Creating space for cycling: Boosting cycling with spatial planning

Good planning is half the battle. Why spatial planning is the key to success in promoting cycling. And how municipalities, cities, regions and federal states can increase the share of cycling by gradually expanding the cycling infrastructure.


  • Mirjam Borsboom (Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management; Netherlands)


  • Franz Dinhobl (City Councillor for Transport Wiener Neustadt)
  • Werner Pracherstorfer (Office of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria)
  • Judith Schwentner (Deputy Mayor of the City of Graz)
  • Michael Skoric (con.sens traffic planning)

This session will be simultaneously translated.

11:30 - 13:00 | Parallel Sessions

Moderation: Julia Schütze

Format: Pecha Kucha


Thinking cycling in networks and anchoring it in spatial planning
Fritz Hudribusch, market town of Wiener Neudorf

Small-scale regional cycling planning in the Southwest Styria region
Stefanie Heil, Regionalmanagement Südweststeiermark GmbH
Benedikt Hahn, Verracon GmbH

Rohr im Gebirge cycle path
Christian Wagner, Municipality of Rohr am Gebirge

The apple as a measure - strategic cycle traffic planning with isoenergies in the Lavant Valley
Leo Kostka, TU Vienna
Tadej Brezina, TU Vienna

Basic cycle networks in Lower Austria
Richard Pouzar, Office of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government

Cycling with safety (and comfort) - from the outskirts to the city center
Julius Holländer, Mobility Agency Vienna GmbH
Leos Jirovsky, City of Vienna - MA 28 - Road Administration and Road Construction

Well networked: Close the gaps in multimodal networks - and do so precisely!
Christian Werner, University of Salzburg, Department of Geoinformatics
Lucas von der Meer, University of Salzburg, Department of Geoinformatics

Moderation: Roland Romano (Radlobby Austria)

Format: Session


Requirements for driver assistance systems to avoid truck-bicycle accidents - Which accidents are avoidable?
Ernst Tomasch, TU Graz

Planning a safe and efficient cycling infrastructure for the integration of S-pedelecs into everyday cycling: study results and proposed measures
Veronika Hornung-Prähauser, Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
Thomas Stemmler, Würzburger Institut für Verkehrswissenschaften GmbH

More safety for cyclists through smartmicro sensors
Fabian Büthe, s.m.s, smart microwave sensors GmbH
Lea Mülverstedt, s.m.s, smart microwave sensors GmbH

Analysis of accident figures in Graz
Stephan Landgraf, Radlobby ARGUS Styria

Cycling with safety: cycle paths instead of multi-purpose lanes
Johanna Karl, Mobility Agency Vienna

Moderation: Anne Glatt (Federal Environment Agency)

Format: Session


The Austria-wide cycling infrastructure project "GIP4radrouting" or: How GIP and VAO get digital transformations rolling
Silvia Udwary, Verkehrsauskunft Österreich GmbH
Irmgard Mandl-Mair, ÖVDAT

Concept for an Austria-wide bicycle counting station report
Karl Wildner, AustriaTech GmbH
Stefan Schwillinsky, AustriaTech GmbH

Improvements to the Austrian EuroVelo cycle routes
Heidi Schmitt, Radlobby Austria/ Radlobby ARGUS Styria

Cycling in the digital transformation: opportunities and challenges for research into active mobility - insights from Vienna, the surrounding area and Innsbruck
Karolina Taczanowska, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

Best enemies - How e-scooters improve data-based bicycle traffic planning in Kirchberg am Wagram
Stephan März, market town of Kirchberg am Wagram
Martin Skerlan, TIER

Composition of bicycle traffic in Vienna
Ulrich Leth, TU Vienna

Moderation: Christine Zopf-Renner (Province of Burgenland, b-mobil)

Format: Session


The bike box - a model for success? 30 years of Bike & Ride in Salzburg
Peter Weiss, City of Salzburg, MA 6/00 Building Department
Ursula Hemetsberger, Province of Salzburg, Cycling Coordinator

The bicycle underpass in Lienz - an important part of an intermodal mobility center
Michael Meschik, Institution for Transportation, BOKU Vienna

Connection of public transport and rental bike system at multimodal mobility hubs in Klagenfurt
Birgit Pobatschnig; Municipality of Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Department of Climate and Environmental Protection

Bike&Ride accessibility classes
Andreas Höbausz, AustriaTech GmbH
Lucas Hübner-Weiss, AustriaTech GmbH

Federal funding for cycling in cooperation with the WKO
Martin Eder, BMK

13:00 - 14:15 | Lunch Break

14:15 - 15:45 Uhr | Parallel Sessions

Moderation: Julia Schütze

Format: Pecha Kucha


Child-friendly kindergarten and school environments - results of the Mobichecks
Lina Martin, Climate Alliance Austria
Maria Zögernitz, klimaaktiv mobil, mobility management for education and youth

"Safe together in traffic" - an initiative by the city of Eisenstadt to promote awareness of active mobility
Werner Fleischhacker, Municipality of the Free City of Eisenstadt
Stefan Haider, Radlobby Burgenland

The way to school is a cycle path
David Eichinger, BG/BRG Ramsauerstraße

Cranking instead of swishing - cycling and science education
Karoline Iber, Children's Office University of Vienna gGmbH
Lisa-Maria Chmarra, Children's Office, University of Vienna gGmbH

Stockerau - Austria's cycling capital, secrets of success
Herwig Hödl, Municipality of Stockerau, Councillor for Transport, Infrastructure and Roads

Bike marketing: the turbo for the bike boom
Hannes Höller, Austrian Energy Agency - Climate Dialogue
Brigitte Grahsl, Austrian Energy Agency - Climate Dialogue

Promoting physical activity skills in elementary schools
Sonja Kämmler, City of Munich - Mobility Department

Moderation: Christof Dauda (Province of Lower Austria)

Format: Session


nextbike St. Pölten - Chronology of a successful model
Manuel Hammel, Municipality of St. Pölten, Department of Transport Planning

ÖBB Bike: A mobility offer for municipalities, cities and many more
Katharina Leeb, OEBB360 (Personenverkehr AG)

10 years of Stadtrad Innsbruck
Thomas Hillebrand, Innsbrucker Verkehrsbetriebe and Stubaitalbahn GmbH

nextbike Lower Austria
Susanna Hauptmann, Radland Lower Austria
Marco Weigert, nextbike by TIER

WienMobil bike as a building block of the mobility transition
Lena Radics, Wiener Linien
Jakob Entholzer, Wiener Linien

Moderation: Viktoria King (Radland Niederösterreich)

Format: Session


Potentials for a climate-friendly business location: Indications from the evaluation of Vienna's e-cargo bike promotion program
Gerald Franz, UIV Urban Innovation Vienna
Matthias Nocker, UIV Urban Innovation Vienna

Ulrich Prediger and the story of JobRad - from living room to 1000-person business
Ulrich Prediger, JobRad Holding

Valerie Wolff, VELLO GmbH

Importance of the bicycle trade for the Austrian economy
Michael Nendwich, GF VSSÖ and industry spokesman for sports retail in Austria

Moderation: Wiebke Strahl-Naderer (NÖ regional)

Format: Session


Toolboxes for the redesign of public mobility spaces
Barbara Laa, TU Vienna

Requirements for a regional cycle path network for everyday traffic; theory and practice
Martijn Kiers, FH Joanneum University of Applied Science GmbH
Jennifer Jolly, FH Joanneum University of Applied Science GmbH

VERA - modal shift effect of cycling facilities
Martin Loidl, University of Salzburg

Healthy Streets - Healthy streets and their contribution to health promotion
Agnes Feigl, Agnes Feigl Landscape Architecture
Verena Zeuschner, Healthy Austria Fund

Airstream of change: How parking space management in Vorarlberg municipalities provides impetus for sustainable work mobility
Juliane Stark, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Institute of Transportation
David Madlener, Energy Institute Vorarlberg

15:45 - 16:15 | Coffee Break

Safe and healthy cycling

Staying in a better mood and healthier into old age. How the bicycle can become a fountain of youth for us all and why this requires more safety and a culture of togetherness between all modes of transportation.


  • Klaus Robatsch (Board of Trustees for Road Safety)
  • Hans-Peter Hutter (environmental physician, Medical University of Vienna)


  • Stefan Ebner (WKO Association of Driving Schools)
  • Willy Konrath (Brigadier, Lower Austrian Provincial Traffic Department)
  • Christian Kräutler (Board of Trustees for Road Safety)
  • Andrea Schmidt (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH)
  • Hans-Peter Hutter (environmental physician, Medical University of Vienna)

This session will be simultaneously translated.


  • 17:30-19:00 Wunderweg Wiener Neustadt
  • 17:30-19:00 Visits to current projects for bicycle traffic
  • 17:30-19:00 Tuesday Night Biking

Further information on the excursions
(limited number of participants, registration with ticket purchase)


Transport bike advice: KlimaEntLaster in municipalities, businesses and households
Alec Hager / Aurelia Kammerhofer

"Re-Cycling" award-winning Erasmus+ project
Werner Madlencnik / Benedikt Hierzer

10 years of BILLA Service Bike powered by GOODVILLE
Beate Hauser

Between evidence-based realism and unattainable castles in the air - expectations regarding the impact of cycling measures
Clemens Raffler / Julia Simhandl

Expanding the personal comfort zone of underrepresented groups in an inclusive mobility system
Pamela Nolz

CLEA - Check and Leave for Environmental Action
Beate Hauser / Pamela Nolz

No data gaps in the cycling infrastructure: Presentation of the AIT measuring bike
Andrea Schaub

Cycle4Value: How can the value of cycling be mapped and returned to cyclists?
Thomas Wernbacher / Alexander Pfeiffer

cyclebeeOnRails: Rail & bike information platform / Radreisen4all - the cyclebee app
Katharina Köglberger / Daniel Pairitsch

Designing a climate-fit school environment with children - a workshop concept
Gudula Pawelak

Healthy Routing: Assessing the health benefits of commuting by bike
Martin Loidl

Bike + Pray
Nikolaus Haselsteiner / Bernd Kolodziejczak

Guide to cycle route signposting in Upper Austria
Thomas Staub

Bikeability: How suitable are our roads and paths for cycling?
Christian Werner

Bikedeck pilot project - integration of bicycle boxes as street furniture
Tanja Friedrich / Peter Weiss

Cycling for all: Raising awareness and promoting competence in Kirchberg am Wagram
Stephan März

Anyone can cycle
Martin Lackner

Guidance and orientation system Styria
Stefan Bendiks

Everyday cycle paths in the Lainsitztal small region
Gloria Winkler

Coordination of urban and suburban cycle path networks
Andreas Hacker

Road safety-relevant factors in accidents between cyclists and truck drivers and the role of driver assistance systems
Karin Ausserer

Radland Prize Lower Austria
Viktoria King

  • Flying Dinner
  • Networking & closing of the 1st conference day in a pleasant atmosphere

Program 17.04.

09:00 - 09:30 | Check In, Coffee

09:30 - 11:00 | Parallel Sessions

Moderation: Alec Hager (die radvokaten)

Format: Session


Experiences of regional network planning in Hungary and Romania
Antal Gertheis, Mobilissimus

Bicycle Info Network - The green belt of Serbia
Marko Radosevic, UZB / IUMS
Mazalica Marko, NSBI / IUMS

Objective and subjective safety of cycling infrastructure in Czech Republic
Michal Sindelar, AutoMat &

Uniting Cycling Transport Communities of Bratislava and Vienna
Tomáš Peciar, Cyklokoalicia / Bikekitchen / Kidical Mass BA

Belgrades Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan between desires and reality
Zoran Bukvic, UZB / IUMS

Moderation: Anna Fink (Province of Lower Austria)

Format: Session


Master plan for active mobility in St. Pölten
Manuel Hammel, Municipality of St. Pölten, Traffic Planning Department

From concept to implementation - cycling measures in the municipality of Hollabrunn
Martin Becker, Schneider Consult ZT GmbH
Andreas Leeb, Municipality of Hollabrunn

Dust-free surfacing on cycle paths
Markus Huber, City of Salzburg, Roads and Bridges Department

Everyday cycling in Baden
Gerfried Koch, Municipality of Baden

Insight into Dutch solutions for the growing challenges
Elke Schimmel, november:city

Moderation: Ursula Hemetsberger (Land Salzburg)

Format: Session


Bicycle zone - nothing changes and everything changes
Markus Frewein, verkehrplus GmbH
Jakob Seidler, verkehrplus GmbH

Analysis of traffic behavior in bicycle lanes in Luxembourg
Olivia Kantner, komobile GmbH

Evaluation of the first bicycle street in Marburger Straße in Graz. A qualitative and quantitative pre-post observation and survey
Bettina Schützhofer, sicher unterwegs - Verkehrspsychologische Untersuchungen GmbH

"More color for more mindfulness" - Pilot project with colored road markings in Perchtoldsdorf, Lower Austria
Michael Skoric, con.sens verkehrsplanung zt gmbh
Eva Aigner-Breuss, Austrian Road Safety Board (KFV)

Perception of road markings for bicycle and pedestrian traffic at intersections
Katharina Binder, TU Vienna

Moderation: Niklas Schönböck (Austrian Energy Agency)

Format: Pecha Kucha


Cycling and scooters
Maria Wiesinger, Vienna Health Promotion - WiG

Child-parent cycling courses - We KER for safety
Anja Benesch, JO! Mobility EducationKEM StadtLandSee

Fit for the cycling test - promoting the cycling skills of primary school children
Merle Schroer, City of Munich

RAD UP! - Cycling can be fun
Christian Neuwirth, RAD UP! - 1st Upper Austrian cycling school

Summer. Sun. Learn to cycle.
Anna Henkes, Mobility Agency Vienna

11:00 - 11:30 | Coffee Break

Part of the whole: cycling from different perspectives

Combine, change and get to your destination faster. How we can best combine different modes of transport, why this significantly improves our mobility and why the bicycle plays a central role in this.


  • Christian Rudolf (Technical University of Wildau)


  • Thomas Berger (ÖBB)
  • Renate Platzer (City of Graz)
  • Roland Romano (Radlobby Austria)
  • Oliver Schmerold (ÖAMTC)
  • Mario Rohracher (GSV)

This session will be simultaneously translated.

12:30 - 14:00 | Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:30 | Parallel Sessions

Moderation: Julia Schütze

Format: Session


Bike boxes as the key to switching to public transport
Alexandra Medwedeff, Verkehrsverbund Tirol GesmbH
Sebastian Hildbrand, Kienzler Stadtmobiliar GmbH

Radlobby Kärnten - Station check 2023: Cycling suitability of Carinthian train stations
Christoph Zettinig, Radlobby Carinthia

Bicycles at train stations - framework conditions, planning and innovative projects
Fabian Dorner, ÖBB-Immobilienmanagement GmbH
Björn Budde, ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG

Mobility Hubs - Lively networking as the key to the transport revolution? Case study from the Netherlands
Melanie Häusel, Royal HaskoningDHV Nederland

ÖAMTC bike repair pillars
Harald Lokotar, ÖAMTC

Moderation: Bettina Pöllinger (Herry Consult / mmbetriebe)

Format: Session


Motivation and health factors of Lower Austrian bicycle commuters
Alexander Eigner, University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt
Norbert Dürauer, University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt

ZISEMO - Mobility offers for employees in shift work/with a migration background
Susanne Backmeister, Energy Institute Vorarlberg

Revolution on two wheels: How companies are integrating cycling into the future of mobility
Albert Vogl-Bader, Pave Commute

Employee mobility in the municipal environment - The JOBike® at the City of Wiener Neustadt
Doris Burgemeister, City of Wiener Neustadt
Christian Mussnig, JOBike®

Company bikes for employees - a nice incentive or an effective measure?
Volker Amann, Avimo GmbH

Moderation: Franz Gausterer (NÖ regional)

Format: Session


From vision to reality
Fritz Bernhard, Province of Styria
Peter Sturm, Province of Styria A16

FahrRad consulting Upper Austria - Comprehensive cycling promotion on site
Robert Stögner, Climate Alliance Upper Austria

From plan to reality - successfully implemented cycling projects from Austrian municipalities
Raphael Glück, komobile GmbH
Dietlinde Oberklammer, klimaaktiv mobil

Lower Austria's cities become cycling capitals
Bernd Hildebrandt, Radland GmbH

Wolkersdorf on the way to becoming a family-friendly cycling town
Christian Schrefel, Municipality of Wolkersdorf
Julia Beckel, Municipality of Wolkersdorf

Even more cycling fun in Burgenland
Christine Zopf-Renner, Mobility Center Burgenland

Moderation: Hannes Höller (Austrian Energy Agency)

Format: Pecha Kucha


CYCLING WITHOUT AGE: Cycling for your health, even if you can no longer pedal yourself
Elisabeth Füssl, Cycling without age

Kids, do you all cycle?
Philipp Schober, Radlobby Austria
Florian Klein, Kidical Mass

The e-bike, the future not just for senior citizens?
Werner Madlencnik, Easy Drivers Cycling School
Benedikt Hierzer, Easy Drivers Cycling School

Young people ride bikes! A story of success
Cosima Pilz, Environmental Education Center Styria

BikeRider - the cycling campaign for young people
Viktoria Vanek, Climate Alliance Lower Austria

Cycling without consideration - better cooperation?
Robert Fuchs, Schulterblick - the cycling school
Anita Frisch, Schulterblick - The cycling school

Cycling school route maps for Lower Austria - a pilot project
Marlene Mellauner, KFV (Austrian Road Safety Board)

15:30 - 16:00 | Coffee Break

Practice early: getting children and young people interested in cycling

Get on, get set, go! How we awaken the cycling bug in even the youngest children. Why positive experiences with the bike and sufficient exercise are so important, especially at a young age. And what we need to do to ensure that this effect lasts a lifetime.


  • Nina Hampl (University of Graz)
  • Juliane Stark (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna)


  • Paul Fattinger (WOOM)
  • Juliane Stark (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna)
  • Bettina Schützhofer (Institut sicher unterwegs)
  • Hans-Peter Wagentristel (Eisenstadt Regional Hospital)

This session will be simultaneously translated.



  • 17:00-18:30 Visits to current projects for bicycle traffic
  • 17:00-18:30 Wunderweg Wiener Neustadt
  • 17:00-19:00 With children's eyes through Wiener Neustadt: Excursion with focus on children's point of view

Further information on the excursions
(limited number of participants, registration with ticket purchase)

Evening event with lecture by Thomas Brudermann, klimaaktiv mobil award and competition

  • Award klimaaktiv mobil project partners
  • Keynote speech by Thomas Brudermann (University of Graz)
  • Cycling summit prize draw and end of the conference

Status of the program: 19.03.2024; the program is updated regularly; subject to change.